Portfolio Data
Portfolio Summary
As of March 7,2025
- Number of Properties
- 293properties
- Acquisition Price
- 1,102,089million yen
- Occupancy Rate
- 99.1%
(As of January 31,2025)
Portfolio Allocation
As of March 7,2025
■Area Diversification
■Asset Type Diversification
■Property Diversification
■Tenant Diversification
(Note 1) | The figures for "Area Diversification" , "Asset Type Diversification" and "Property Diversification" are calculated based on the acquisition price of the portfolio held by NMF as of today. |
(Note 2) | The figures for "Tenant Diversification" are calculated based on the Leased Floor Space which are stated in the latest financial results. However, in the case of assets with a so-called pass-through master lease agreement, the rents are based on the contracts with end-tenants. |